North Suburban Chicago Tableau User Group

User Group

North Suburban Chicago Tableau User Group


Join our very own Dan Murray as he speaks at the North Suburban Chicago Tableau User Group


Tuesday April 5th, 2:00pm - 4:00pm (UTC)


Komatsu America Corp
1701 Golf Road
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

Get excited!  We have lined up Dan Murray to present at this quarter’s user group meeting!

Who’s Dan Murray?  Like you even need to ask.  Drawing from his extensive experience, Dan wrote the acclaimed Tableau guidebook, “Tableau Your Data!” with his newest 2nd edition coming out this past January.  His contributions to the Tableau community have earned him the title of Tableau Zen Master.  We are very honored to have him here with us.

His topics will include:
1. Dashboards designed for discovery
2. Forecasting
3. Parameters
4. Data interpreter
5. Ad hoc calculations
6. Integrating other tools with Tableau 

To register, go to the official North Suburban Chicago Tableau User Group registration page.

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