San Jose Tableau User Group

User Group

San Jose Tableau User Group


Join our very own Dan Murray as he speaks at the San Jose Tableau User Group


Thursday March 24th, 10:00am - 11:30am (UTC)


How to catch up the latest Tableau innovations by upgrading your Tableau servers? See some cool & new 9.1 & 9.2 feature demos. Learn how to do predictive analytics using Tableau.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. 
When: Mar 24, 2016 10:00 AM (GMT-8:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada)

When : March. 24 Thu, 10-11:30am PST

AgendaTableau Server Upgrade and Tableau Predictive Analytics

Speaker: Mark Wu and Dan Murray


Upgrade Tableau Server – Mark Wu

“Love & Hate” best describes each Tableau release. People love the new features and Tableau’s pace of innovation. But Tableau server customers dislike the efforts, downtime, and risks associated with each upgrade.

Unfortunately choosing doing nothing is not a good option since Desktop users may have one-click Product Updates feature to upgrade their Desktop before server is upgrade – if it happens, users who have new version of Desktop (not at maintenance release level but major or minor release level, like 9.1 to 9.2) can’t publish workbooks to server, any workbooks opened and saved by 9.2 Desktop can’t be opened by 9.1 Desktop anymore. You will have a lot frustrated Desktop users. It is a lot of communication work of asking all Desktop users not to upgrade their Desktop till server is upgraded. The longer it takes for the server upgrade, the more communication work for enterprise server team……  Which means that doing nothing on server side is actually a lot of work as well.

Our approach is to upgrade the server ASAP – We did 9.1 sever upgrade within 20 days of general release, and we did 9.2 server upgrade within 10 days of general release with 4,000 users w/o any major issues at all.

Discovery and Predictive Analytics with Tableau – Dan Murray
A review of the available techniques and tools available within Tableau for doing discovery analysis and predictive analysis along with a review of integrations with other tools like Python and R to “operationalize” predictive analytics within web frameworks.
 Topics covered:
1. Dashboards designed for discovery
2. Forecasting
3. Parameters
4. Data interpreter
5. Ad hoc calculations
6. Integrating other tools with Tableau (operationalizing sophisticated back-end tools like R and Python)


To Register, to the the official San Jose Tableau User Group registration page.


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