Is Data Part of your Day-to-Day Conversation?
The era of data (big and small) has arrived, but most organizations are unprepared and are missing out on tremendous opportunities.
Join us on Thursday, February 18 for an exclusive event with James Wright from InterWorks. During this interactive discussion, we’ll demonstrate how organizations can leverage data visualization to become truly data-driven.
10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Registration & Networking
10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Interactive Discussion:
- Introduction
- The Impact of Tableau on the Data-Driven Journey
- Tableau in the City of New York
- Everyday Visualization – Driving Tableau Adoption (James Wright)
- Q&A
Featured Speaker

James Wright
Principal Consultant
James Wright has used Tableau every-day for the last five years and leads InterWorks’ data consultancy from their NYC office. InterWorks has been Tableau’s Partner of the Year for three years running, and recently been named Tableau’s 2015 Training Partner of the Year. InterWorks is the leading data consulting and training firm to guide you on your journey with Tableau. From servers and visualization to development and custom tools, they cover the full spectrum of data needs through innovative solutions and proven expertise. Blending twenty years of experience, a multi-talented team and a drive for client satisfaction, they’ve helped countless organizations get further, faster and smarter with their data strategy.