Stillwater Tableau User Group

User Group

Stillwater Tableau User Group


Join our very own Dan Murray as he speaks at the Stillwater Tableau User Group


Tuesday February 16th, 12:00pm - 1:30pm (UTC)


Oklahoma State University Foundation
400 South Monroe Street
Stillwater, OK 74074

Dan Murray is one of the Tableau community’s most enduring figures. From co-founding the first Tableau user group to authoring the definitive Tableau guidebook, he’s played a significant role in evangelizing Tableau to the masses. Named Tableau Zen Master in 2014, Dan continues to share his wisdom at countless speaking events across the globe as well as through continued consulting.

We will start the meeting with a few opening remarks and then move right into Dan’s presentation.

Dan will be taking us through Tableau demonstrations on the following –

  • His first Tableau project, and what he learned
  • Getting your organization to buy into Tableau
  • Successful habits
  • Building effective dashboards
  • Dealing with the “data flood”


After the speech, attendees will have the opportunity to ask Dan any questions they may have about the book, ‘Tableau your data’ or Tableau in general.

We will also be giving away a few free copies of the book during the event.

**Lunch will be provided**

To Register, go to the official Stillwater Tableau User Group registration page.

This event has passed.

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