Atlanta Tableau User Group

Atlanta Tableau User Group


The ATL Tableau User Group shares knowledge, tips and tricks, and connects Tableau users in the ATL area.


Thursday February 21st, 1:00pm - 3:30pm (EST)


Emory Brain Health Center
12 Executive Park Drive
Northeast Atlanta, GA 30329

Building Atlanta’s Tableau community since 2009, the Atlanta Tableau User Group (ATUG) is North America’s first TUG that offers a place for data people to network, inform and unite. Our meetings focus on data visualization best practices, Tableau instruction and how others in the Atlanta area are using Tableau. Whether you are a beginner, a Jedi or just curious, you are welcome!


1:00pm | Brief Introductions

1:15pm | Karl D. Riddett, Regional Solutions Lead at InterWorks – How Tableau turns traditional reporting upside down: How I got in the flow and created my Viz of the Day

2:05pm | Networking Break

2:20pm | Jeff Huckaby, Global Market Segment Director at Tableau Software – Retail Stories: Use Cases, Trends and Upcoming Tableau Capabilities

3:20pm | Wrap-Up and Q&A


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