Montgomery Tableau User Group

User Group

Montgomery Tableau User Group


Join our very own Dan Murray as he speaks at the Montgomery Tableau User Group


Thursday January 28th, 6:00pm - 9:00pm (UTC)


The Irish Bred Pub
78 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104

Please go to the private room on the 3rd Floor

Happy Hour with guest speaker: Dan Murray

Discovery and Predictive Analytics with Tableau 6:30PM – 8:00PM

Dan Murray, a Tableau Zen Master, Interworks Director of Strategic Innovation, and author of Tableau Your Data! (2nd Edition) will present on the available techniques and tools available within Tableau for doing discovery analysis and predictive analysis along with a review of integrations with other tools like Python and R to “operationalize” predictive analytics within web frameworks.

Dan will bring a few giveaway copies of his books.

  • Dashboards designed for discovery
  • Forecasting
  • Parameters
  • Data interpreter
  • Ad hoc calculations
  • Integrating other tools with Tableau (operationalizing sophisticated back-end tools like R and Python)

Irish Bred Pub has provided this room complimentary. DataBrains will be sponsoring Happy Hour for the first several drink orders!

Hands-on Tableau: 8:00PM – 9:00PM

After the guest speaker presentation, we’ll have hands-on problem solving session. Bring your laptops and get ready to open Tableau! Wi-Fi will be available, but electrical outlets are very few.

To register go to the official Montgomery Tableau User Group registration page.

This event has passed.

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