In association with Tableau join our fireside chat where we will be talking through connecting Microsoft Azure with Tableau.
Our goal is to make your data actionable and available wherever you want to deploy or access it. Working with Microsoft Azure, we’ve made it easier than ever to deploy Tableau Server on multiple cloud platforms, including hybrid cloud. Join us as we chat to the experts about how to integrate Tableau with key Azure technologies.
We’ll be talking through hot topics like how to move Tableau from on-premises to cloud (spoiler alert – it’s super easy), how to authenticate with Azure Active Directory, and how to query your Azure SQL Synapse data warehouse.
Learn best practices and guidance to optimise your Tableau and Microsoft Azure deployment and integration. With a powerful, enterprise cloud analytics engine, you can unlock the benefits of fast, real-time access to data and enhanced scalability.
Make Microsoft Azure and Tableau work for you and you’ll be using Tableau like a pro in no time.