Director as a Service


Director as a Service

Get an InterWorks IT expert as your new part-time IT director, handling your most time-consuming management and relationship-focused needs.

Whether it’s policy needs, compliance items, audit assistance or general IT systems audits to ensure your company has proper backups or utilizing best practices, InterWorks’ Director as a Service (DaaS) program can help improve your company’s technology posture without the long-term commitment or expense of hiring a full-time individual.  


Your new InterWorks DaaS can oversee your existing IT operations by providing management, direction, guidance and training to your current IT staff as needed. Additionally, they can provide oversight of the security for your systems and data. They’ll identify and help eliminate security risks with an expert’s eye.


If you need someone to assist in the hiring process of new IT staff, look no further. Let an expert help build your new team or assist in technical communications needs between your current IT and executive teams so everyone’s on the same page.


An InterWorks director can help evaluate current standards for the selection, implementation and support of new IT systems. They’ll help establish new standards, and provide analyses on policy improvements and infrastructure requirements, helping you know where you stand. 

Ready to Bring on Your New Director?

As a note:

An InterWorks’ Director-as-a-Service solution is not meant to be a technical, hands-on role. Rather, it’s one focused on providing management for a variety of needs! 

If you’d like to see our technical offerings, we’ve got you covered. 

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Ratinger Straße 9
40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

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