Stratford Schools is a private school system operating in the Greater San Francisco, CA area. Stratford Schools conducts a parent survey each year and needed help compiling the results of the survey and presenting those results to the Board of Directors, parents and staff within the school system.
Tableau was an excellent choice for bringing that data together and presenting it in a dynamic visualization that’s easy for everyone to understand. InterWorks created a process to aggregate and organize the raw survey results, as well as a new database to store survey results across multiple years. InterWorks then created a large package of Tableau dashboards focused on the specific interests of many different groups.
The result was that each group was presented only the data relevant to them. This allowed for less confusion and brought a new sense of focus to Stratfords’ data analysis efforts. InterWorks gave Stratford a complete data solution that streamlined their survey process, making it much faster and easier to implement.