Public Broadcasting Service

Business Intelligence

Public Broadcasting Service


Public Broadcasting Service, or PBS, is revered as the nation’s largest classroom. As the United States’ primary public broadcasting entity, PBS can be found on member stations in every corner of the country.

Consistent with their message of education for all, they sought to learn from their data using Tableau. PBS possesses unique data, which they collect from manually filled-out, annual surveys from all of their member stations. In order to work with this data, they needed an effective way to evaluate, format and clean their data for analysis.


PBS required a consultant with extensive experience in Tableau and data management on the whole, which is why they chose InterWorks.

InterWorks first created a custom ETL package to bring survey data into their SQL Server database and make it appropriate for reporting in Tableau. Once these processes were put into place, they began organization-wide implementation.

Additional phases were proposed afterwards for data cleaning as well as bringing more data sources into the newly-designed data warehouse.


Right off the bat, PBS was able to delve into years of trends and details that they’ve never been able to see. Before working with InterWorks, it would’ve taken countless man-hours to dig up such details.

PBS can now instantly look at year-over-year data concerning a number of variables and metrics. Not only that, the speed to data and consistency that PBS now enjoys has opened up numerous new ways for them to analyze their varied survey data.

By re-shaping their data environment, InterWorks gave PBS a cleaner and more efficient way to look at their data than before. This strengthens the connection between PBS and their data, which in turn strengthens their connection to viewers like you.

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