
Business Intelligence


NewsUK is home to The Sunday Times, The Times and The Sun newspapers. With 72% of adults in Britain in touch with NewsUK, its developed quite a bit of interesting data over time. So… why Tableau, and why InterWorks?


As a result of the massive growth in the digital world with written press being freely available online, the era of subscriptions is dying. NewsUK realised they needed to adopt a more strategic digital strategy and quickly found, and chose Tableau as their tool of choice.


After playing around with the software and getting to grips with it, NewsUK’s BI Team brought in InterWorks to help answer all the questions they were struggling with. We provided best practice and helped deliver 3 – 4 deliveries within the 2 day workshop. Tableau has now allowed NewsUK to access different data sources, with little to no restrictions. Most importantly, it delivers quick wins.


NewsUK now have a fully trained team, happy with the software and are answering their data questions within minutes, rather than days. Next for NewsUK is to continue evolving their use of Tableau. They aspire for 30 reports that everyone uses, rather than creating numerous separate reports for the different departments. At the moment, their focus is on migrating data from Excel into Tableau, moving their data sources and to enhance what they’ve already got. In a year’s time, they aim for the entire company to be able to self service.

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