Labor Finders

IT Infrastructure

Labor Finders


Labor Finders provides employment services to vendors who need to temporarily fill positions, helping both vendors and those looking for income. The owner of nine regional locations underneath the Labor Finders franchise came to InterWorks looking to optimize the way those nine divisions share and access information.


As part of the overhaul, InterWorks replaced every computer at each of the nine locations with updated systems. Each networking appliance was swapped for an Astaro product. Server and workstation systems were tuned up from a 32bit to 64bit OS environment. The installation of new networking equipment allowed each location to better access their information, and share that information between offices.


Until InterWorks implemented the Astaro networking appliances, each of the nine Labor Finders divisions ran on separate networks. This put a barrier between Labor Finders employees, and everyday information, adding one more step in the process of retrieving day-to-day work materials. The new appliances facilitated interconnectivity between each remote location and even a home office, allowing all of the offices to share and access the same essential files.

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