Cockrell Eye Center

IT Infrastructure

Cockrell Eye Center


Cockrell Eye Care Center is an all-inclusive optometry practice serving Stillwater, Pawnee and the surrounding communities in central Oklahoma.  Thanks to a loyal patient base and technological advances with industry-leading diagnostic equipment used by the eye-health provider, the organization began to outgrow its physical hardware. Cockrell Eye Care needed a seamless virtualization integration solution, and because of their ‘round the clock workload, they couldn’t afford any downtime from a transition.


InterWorks proposed that Cockrell Eye Care convert its wireless network to a Ruckus environment, and host their own centrally-managed guest network.  After proposing that their hardware be converted a virtual environment with centralized storage, InterWorks implemented an Astaro firewall with dual ISP connections to allow for failover if either ISP fell subject to any issues.  The InterWorks team used Ruckus APs and controllers, as well as VMware, Dell R610 servers, and a Dell MD3220i storage array to perform Cockrell Eye Care’s transformation.


The team at InterWorks architected a successful implementation of a Ruckus environment allows for more efficient transfers of data.  The virtualization of the hardware Cockrell Eye Care outgrew allows for a more reliable data environment, and for more effectual usage of the physical hardware itself. The overhaul of equipment and networking re-configuration has increased the agility of the eye-care provider to better serve its clients.

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Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

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