
The User-Centered Dashboard Development Workshop

Promoting a User-Centered Mindset

We love creating dashboards for our clients, but what if we could take the extra step to empower their BI teams to achieve future successes as well?

The User-Centered Dashboard Development (UCDD) Workshop is our way of promoting sustainable, effective workflows for our clients. We can help improve the philosophy behind their development pipeline by promoting a user-centric dashboard development mindset from concept to final product.

Our Guiding Principles

Start with users, not with the data

Not just users first, but users throughout

Don't build it and forget it; build it and nurture it

What We’ll Achieve

Promoting UCDD principles and frameworks not only helps workshop attendees iron out any shortcomings in their development strategy, but it also trains them to think like experienced InterWorks consultants.

Through a mix of concept presentation, group discussion and interactive hands-on activities, attendees will walk away with tactical tools and processes they can implement same day in order to improve their workflow, all inspired by InterWorks’ diverse experience.

See, the InterWorks team loves workshops.

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40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

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