How to Add Tabs to Drupal pages

How to Add Tabs to Drupal pages

Spencer Amaral


These steps work for:

Drupal 6

Drupal 7

The Need

We had a client request come in that required for us to add a new tab to the user profile for a new page.

The Problem

How in the world of Drupal are you supposed to add a tab? Use hook_menu_alter? No. Custom Module? No. Add it to a menu somewhere? No. (I mean, if you feel like spending more time than necessary you could do the first perhaps.)

The Solution

VIEWS! I told you it would be incredibly simple.

Step 1:

Create your new view.

Step 2:

Add a display: Page

Step 3: (Important Step)

Under “Page Settings” for “Path” you will need to set the path for the page under the parent page.

For Example:

If you want to add a Tab to all of the User profiles on your website, set your path as “user/%/yourtab”. (% will become the uid of the profile being viewed)

 Step 4:

  Also under “Page Settings” is “Menu”, set this to “Menu Tab” or “Default Menu Tab”. From there you will set your Tab’s title, description and it’s parent item.

Step Done:

  That’s it, you’re finished! Now you may run free and set up your one of a kind, mastermind view!

In Picture Book Format


Simple indeed, but so useful!


Mastering Data Governance: Green Flags, Red Flags and a Framework for Success

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