United States

Workplace Guidelines

We want every member of InterWorks to thrive in a positive, respectful and productive environment. These guidelines are here to help you understand the standards we expect and the support we provide. Whether you’re new on board or an O.G., let’s get into what makes our workplace click. 

Your Records

It’s important that we keep your records up to date for benefits, taxes and other important purposes. We’ll collect this information in the first few days but remember to let HR know if you ever have any changes. 

Viewing and Updating Your Records

You can view your personal data in Paylocity (under HR & Payroll > Employees > Employee HR File) and MOAS (under My Profile, found here).

Here are the most essential bits to keep updated:

Feel free to update what you can in Paylocity and/or MOAS, but always notify HR@interworks.com to be sure all systems have the correct information.

Your Social Security Number

Documents or other records containing employee Social Security numbers are considered confidential and generally will be requested, obtained or created only for legitimate business reasons. For example, we may request your Social Security number for tax reporting purposes (e.g., IRS Form W-4), for new hire reporting or for purposes of enrollment in the company’s employee benefit plans. All records containing Social Security numbers (whether partial or complete) will be maintained in secure, confidential files with limited access.

Access to Your Personnel Files

Employee files are maintained by the HR department in restricted digital files and are considered confidential. Managers may only have access to personnel file information on a need-to-know basis. Employees may inspect their own digital personnel files accompanied virtually by an HR representative and may copy them but may not delete documents from their file. Inspections by employees must be requested in writing to the HR department and will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time or as required under state law. Representatives of government or law enforcement agencies, in the course of their duties, may be allowed access to file information. 

Separation from Employment

In cases of resignation, we’ll ask you to provide written notice to your manager and HR@ at least ten working days in advance of your last day. You may be leaving us, but we’d always recommend remaining in good standing with any past employers. It’s a great opportunity to lead with dignity and respect, exactly what we’d expect from our Best People. Employees that have resigned in good standing will generally be eligible for rehire.

In most cases, HR will conduct an exit meeting on or before your last day to collect all company property and discuss final pay. If applicable, information regarding benefits continuation through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) will be sent to your home address. An exit interview may be conducted to discuss your experience while working at InterWorks.

Bridge of Service

Your first day working at InterWorks will be your official employment anniversary date. Should you leave InterWorks and subsequently be rehired within twelve months, your previously accrued seniority will be bridged. PTO accruals and 401(k) vesting are affected by the eligibility of a Bridge of Service and based on that anniversary date.


MOAS is our single source of truth for everything needed to keep this consulting business running. We manage all time tracking, clients, jobs, projects and expenses here, along with being the intersection of virtually every other bit of data associated with our Best People, Best Clients and Best Work. 

For the purpose of introducing MOAS, let’s cover one of the primary functions that you’ll use daily: Time Entry. Later in this guide, we’ll cover PTO management and some of the other sides of MOAS. 

Time Entry

Everyone at InterWorks keeps track of their time in MOAS: Time Entry and all of our entries are viewable to the rest of the team. We see great value in this approach as it allows for easy collaboration and ensures transparency, both enhancing our ability to serve our clients well.

All time must be accounted for, both billable and non-billable work. This includes time spent on internal clients, support requests and Meetups that occur during work hours. Not all work weeks are the same. Spent longer than eight hours working? Make sure it’s entered. Answer some emails on the weekend? Log it. Time entry data is valuable for helping us determine workloads, gaps in efficiency and when we need to hire more people for a specific area. Don’t sell yourself short.

Time must be entered by 12:00 pm the following day (not the following business day). If you worked on Friday, time must be entered in by Saturday by noon. More specific guidelines on Time Entry can be viewed here in The Library.


You’ll probably need to buy some things in the course of your job. We have a fairly simple process to handle expenses: You email it in! 

We make every effort to hire trustworthy, responsible people, so to a large extent you’re expected to use good judgment on what is a business expense and what isn’t. Of course, there are some guidelines here to keep in mind, just in case. All policy specifics are found in The Library and specific Expense information can be found using the following links.  Keep in mind that expense submissions are due by the following day of purchase.

Company Credit Cards

Employees in roles here that may require frequent travel or other need to incur company expenses may be issued a company credit card. If you are issued a card, please keep in mind these very important rules:

Upon your separation from InterWorks, you must return the card along with all outstanding documentation of expenditures prior to your departure.

Job Performance


We do not measure InterWorks’ success based on eight-hour days — we all have a mission to accomplish and that’s the focus here. We hire the best people whom we respect and trust to manage time well, so it’s up to you to balance your work and personal life. Take time off when you need to. Put in extra hours if the project requires it. Work hard and take care of yourself. If you need to run to the dentist or pick up your dry cleaning, go do that. We simply expect great communication around your schedule, so be sure and let someone know if you’ll be away for a bit.  

Feel like just disappearing for a few days? 

Of course! We all need to disappear now and then. Just use your PTO and discuss with your manager, everything will be great. Failure to show up for a scheduled shift without prior approval can result in discipline up to and including termination. If you fail to report to work or inform your manager of the absence for three consecutive days or more, you’ll be considered to have voluntarily resigned employment. Unless that was your plan, use that PTO! 

If you find that you’re consistently putting in longer hours than you’d expect, please bring that concern to your supervisor to discuss your workload. 

Dress and Grooming

Casual folks doing professional work. No ties or pantsuits required to do the Best Work around here. Although our dress code is casual, it is important to project a professional image to our customers, visitors and coworkers. All employees are expected to dress in a manner consistent with good hygiene and safety. 

The caveat here is when going onsite to a client organization, visiting a partner office or attending a conference representing InterWorks. In these moments, know that a business casual standard is always a great starting place.

Employee Reviews

We are always working to improve the quality, efficiency and overall experience at InterWorks. To help keep that improvement going, we have a variety of both formal and informal discussions between you and your manager. 

One-on-One Meetings

This informal meeting will be set between you and your manager on a regular basis in order to simply stay connected on goals, projects, roadblocks, etc. While some may use our 15Five system to manage one-on-one meetings, others keep it even more informal with just a recurring meeting on your calendar. 

Midyear Check-In and Annual Reviews 

To bring a more formal and standard set of discussion points to the processes, we conduct employee reviews via 15Five during a Midyear Check-in (June/July) and an end of the year Annual Review (November/December). This is the time to look back on what you’ve accomplished, set goals for yourself and discuss with your manager. We’ll look at the year’s successes and struggles, then assess the opportunities ahead. 

Disciplinary Procedure

InterWorks, like any other organization, expects employees to comply with our standards of behavior and performance. When these are out of line, we want to work with you to correct any issues with these standards.

Under normal circumstances, we’ve established a progressive policy to provide the employee with notice of the issues and opportunities to improve. Due to the wide variety of concerns in the workplace, we must retain the right to administer disciplinary action in any manner necessary. This policy does not modify the status of employees as employees-at-will or in any way restrict the company’s right to bypass the procedures suggested.

These are our standard steps in the disciplinary procedure. In addition, we’ll make sure everything’s properly noted in the employee’s personnel file. Let’s step through these: 

Step 1: Let’s Chat. 

When we spot something off in your performance, we’re going to have a good old chat about it. We’ll dive into what’s going on and what we need to fix.

Step 2: Let’s Make a Plan.

If our chat didn’t quite do the trick and things aren’t improving, we’ll do some digging. Your manager will go through the issue with you — then you’ll have your chance to talk too, of course. They’ll let you know that this needs to be fixed and that more serious action could be on the horizon. Depending on the details of the problem(s), you may be handed an Action Plan or go straight to a formal warning in Step 3.

Step 3: Serious Talk. 

If we’re still not seeing the improvements needed after steps one and two, it’s time for a more serious chat. Your manager and someone from HR or another manager will tag-team this discussion, typically reiterating what we discussed before and a review of these steps. A formal warning will be given and placed in the employee’s file.

Step 4: Timeout. 

If things aren’t looking up, or depending on the severity of the issue, your supervisor may opt to temporarily bench you. The suspension details (e.g., with or without pay, timeline, etc.) is something that must be approved by the department director and HR. If you’re a full-time exempt employee, we generally won’t dock your pay for less than a full day. This step and its associated actions are most often linked to very clear policy transgressions, such as those prohibiting sexual harassment or workplace violence.

Step 5: Failure to Improve. 

If these steps did not do the trick and things aren’t shaping up, this is the point where we may just have to part ways. As much as we dislike seeing this happen, sometimes people and organizations simply do not align well. We wish you all the best in your future. 

Final Notes. 

These progressive steps may be applied to an employee who is experiencing a series of unrelated problems involving job performance or behavior. Each offense should not require a separate disciplinary plan. 

In cases involving serious misconduct, such as a major breach of policy or violation of law, the steps outlined above may be disregarded. In these cases, the supervisor may suspend the employee immediately and an investigation of the incidents leading up to the suspension will be conducted. Depending on the findings, your manager, department director and HR will discuss next steps, up to and including termination.


Our focus on hiring the Best People at InterWorks means that our team is full of highly skilled, service-focused individuals. It also means that people here receive frequent requests from friends, family, former co-workers, college roommates and random strangers for help on every tech issue imaginable. That’s a great thing and InterWorks regularly encourages and facilitates opportunities for public service and pro bono work. We may also allow paid freelancing by InterWorks employees, but only in limited circumstances because it can present some challenges and risks. 

Employee NDA Requirements

Our Employee NDA includes language that requires prior permission if an employee is presented with an opportunity “relating to or similar to the Company’s current or anticipated business.” It also requires employees to avoid any business activity that could be in conflict with the business of InterWorks. 

These requirements in the NDA aren’t designed to prevent all freelancing or keep you from helping others when you can. But there are some legitimate concerns around conflicts with existing clients, insurance risks and other issues that can affect the team. We require that you let us know about all freelance opportunities or side gigs ahead of time, so we can make sure it won’t create problems for others. 

Freelancing Approval Request

To be clear, this is only required for freelancing that’s similar to what we do at InterWorks. We do not need to know about your Thursday night DJ gig or the sno-cone stand you run on the weekends. So if you are considering taking on a project or client that is in any way related or similar to what you do with InterWorks, please send the following information to Legal@interworks.com:  

  1. Name of the potential client (company name, if applicable).
  2. Address of client (please include an HQ address if the client has multiple locations).
  3. Name and contact info of your primary contact.
  4. A brief description of the anticipated services you’ll be providing.

We will do our best to respond to all requests within one week. We will also follow up on each approved request each year to maintain up-to-date records. 

Moving Your Workplace

While we do have folks who live in all parts of the world, there are many considerations as to whether someone will be able to work in a different location. Legal concerns, tax implications and client issues are just a few of the topics that must be understood. Given these hurdles, not all requests can be approved.

Permanent Move

If you are considering a move — whether to a different desk (within an IW office), building, office, town, state, province, country or planet — please start a conversation with your manager as early as possible. While they alone cannot “approve” the move, they will work with HR, Legal and our other teams to understand if the move is possible for InterWorks.

Temporary Move or Working Abroad

The answer here is roughly the same, it all starts with a conversation with your manager. While short times spent in other cities, states or countries may pose no issues at all, please give us a chance to ensure there will be no problems.

Workplace Safety 

Protecting the safety of our employees and visitors is the most important aspect of running our business. Nothing else matters without a safe and secure place for the Best People to gather together.

All employees have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to a safe work environment by using common sense rules and safe practices and by notifying management when any health or safety issues are present. All employees are encouraged to partner with management to ensure maximum safety for all. 

Emergency Response 

In the event of an emergency, notify the appropriate emergency personnel by dialing 911 to activate the medical emergency services. Any workplace injury, accident or illness must be reported to the employee’s supervisor as soon as possible, regardless of the severity of the injury or accident.

Severe Weather Options (Oklahoma Offices)

For those here in Oklahoma or visiting during storm season, you should know what to do in the event of severe weather, tornados, tiger escape and other various end-of-days activities. 

Oklahoma City

Head to the basement of the building. It’s worth mentioning that there are no public shelters in OKC.


In our South building, head into the large storage room next to the restrooms. This is a structural “safe room” and will be the best spot in either building. 


Option 1: The closet on the first floor next to the elevator.
Option 2: Head to the 1515 building. Enter through The Hemingway door at the NW corner of the building and take the stairs down to the basement. Key cards, if needed, for basement access are in the reception desk drawer.

Office Closures

If your InterWorks-owned office becomes non-operational due to natural or supernatural events (e.g., severe weather, power outage, etc.) we will communicate the ongoing status of the office via Slack on the office’s #region channel. In the meantime, please consider working from home or a favorite coffee shop — otherwise, you may take PTO.  

In rare cases, there may be extreme circumstances caused by catastrophic events that simply make work impossible, regardless of location. In these circumstances, you may request storm-related PTO in MOAS and let HR know about the days you cannot work. We want to support our people in these times and limit the additional stress of burning through PTO; so in this case, HR would credit the storm-related PTO for you to still be able to take regular time off when you plan it.

In the US, we payout remaining PTO at the Anniversary Date for everything over 32 hours. We will exclude the storm-related PTO from the payout calculation. This ensures that our regular PTO policy remains fair for everyone and provides PTO for those that need it.


In order to maintain security and safety for our employees, InterWorks would like visitors to sign in at the front desk, wear a visitor’s badge and be escorted by an employee. This applies to anyone who is not an active employee, including former employees, vendors and suppliers. 

Known friends and family members of employees are not required to sign in and wear a badge, as long as they are not within highly secure areas and always joined by an active employee. 

If you have any questions regarding this process or any doubt on whether a person should visit, they should contact the HR department immediately.

Vehicle Safety 

You must have a current, valid drivers’ license to use InterWorks vehicles, or to use your personal vehicle for any company business. If you use a personal vehicle for company business, you must maintain current auto insurance and registration, and the vehicle must be appropriately maintained in safe, road-worthy condition.  You may be asked to provide proof of valid licensure, insurance, and/or registration. 

All employees are expected to wear seat belts at all times while in a moving vehicle being used for company business, whether they are the driver or a passenger. The use of handheld cell phones (for any purposes – calls, texting, email, driving directions, music, etc.) whether personal or business-owned, while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle being used on company business is strictly prohibited. You may utilize hands-free technology when appropriate and allowed by local law. Engaging in other distracting activities including, but not limited to, eating, putting on makeup, reading or changing radio stations or music, is also strongly discouraged while driving, even when in slow-moving traffic.  Use of alcohol, drugs or other substances, including prescription or over-the-counter medications that in any way impair driving ability, is prohibited.  All employees are expected to follow all driving laws and safety rules such as adherence to posted speed limits and directional signs, use of turn signals, and avoidance of confrontational or offensive behavior while driving.

Non-employees and non-business-related passengers are strictly prohibited in company vehicles. Employees should never allow anyone to ride in any part of the vehicle not specifically intended for passenger use and/or any seat that does not include a working seat belt. Employees are also expected to report any moving or parking violations received while driving on company business and/or in company vehicles. Any fines will be the employee’s responsibility. 

Failure to adhere to these procedures may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Company Vehicles

A company vehicle is available only at the Stillwater office. If you need to use it, please send a request to Concierge@interworks.com with the date, time and destination. We will check the calendar for any conflicts and respond accordingly. Keep in mind that the car will be given to the person travelling to the farthest and/or needs the space for equipment; therefore, you may be denied at a later date if someone else needs it. 

Auto Accidents

If you are involved in an automobile accident while on InterWorks business (in either a personal or company vehicle), you must report the accident to law enforcement and your manager immediately. Please also request a police report and investigation at the scene of the accident. Do not admit liability or guilt — and never apologize under any circumstances — even if you believe you’re at fault.

Employee Privacy

We want to respect the individual privacy of our employees while also maintaining a safe and secure workplace. When issues of safety or security arise, you may be requested to cooperate with an investigation. The investigation may include a search of your workspace and other areas on company premises. Failure to cooperate with an investigation may be grounds for termination. Providing false information during any investigation may lead to disciplinary action, including termination.


As you’ve heard, InterWorks was started to be a fantastic workplace where everyone can shine together. Let’s take a bit to understand a few areas that can get in the way of that mission. This isn’t about being the fun police, it’s about looking out for each other and keeping things as awesome as possible. 


There may be work-related events or functions either at the office or offsite where alcohol is available. As with everything else at InterWorks, you are expected to use good judgment in regard to consumption of alcohol. Minors are expected to follow local laws regarding alcohol consumption. You are personally responsible for your behavior at all times, whether you are drinking or not. If you fail to act responsibly with regard to alcohol, we reserve the right to prohibit your participation in such events, or take any other disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes or vaping devices, is strictly prohibited within the premises of InterWorks’ offices and vehicles. Each office has a dedicated outside smoking area, please keep this area clean and properly dispose of any cigarette filters in a safe manner. This policy applies to all employees, visitors and contractors on site. 

Illegal Drugs

You cannot possess, use or be under the influence of illegal drugs in any InterWorks office, vehicle or during your working hours. Illegal drugs mean any drug that (a) is not legally obtainable, (b) may be legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained or (c) is being used in a manner or for a purpose other than as prescribed. We reserve the right to require a drug test from you if circumstances suggest a violation. Refusal to submit to a drug test will be considered equivalent to a confirmed “positive” test, resulting in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

You may take legally prescribed medications and/or medically obtained marijuana while at work to the extent that the uses of such medications do not adversely affect your job performance, your safety or that of others.